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Partner Feature: RTW Charitable Foundation

During the height of the pandemic, RTW Charitable Foundation reached out to Arete Education through President of Community Engagement Marti Speranza Wong. It was a call out of the blue offering help to students and families in the South Bronx. “What do you really need?” Marti asked. “We want to get money to grassroots organizations immediately to help families who are suffering.” After that initial call with RTW, the funding came weeks later to launch the Arete Hope Network. The program provided wraparound support for 30 families living in temporary housing during the pandemic who were facing significant barriers to accessing school. As a result all students participating in the program passed all their core classes and successfully completed the school year in good standing.

Fast forward three and a half years, and RTW Charitable Foundation is still investing in grassroots education organizations in the South Bronx through an innovative RTW BioQuest program and other innovative programs to put teens into project-based learning contexts that inspire their work as future scientists, investors, and entrepreneurs. Our students in grades 7-10 have been working alongside mentors at RTW as part of the BioQuest and Week Without Walls Programs facilitated through Arete.

RTW’s BioQuest STEM mentoring program is in its first year. Through the pilot over 50 students across Arete the Hunts Point Alliance for Children have engaged with 20 RTW mentors to learn about diverse careers in biotech. They engage in team challenges, explore career pathways into science, and visit professional settings across the city. Students have toured RTW Investments, learning how a company sets out to invest in biomedical breakthrough technologies, as well as JLABS and Weill Cornell BioVenture eLabs learning about applied careers in STEM. Through RTW’s BioQuest, students have also done scientific investigations on the BioBus and spent the day in New Jersey at the Liberty Science Center. BioQuest mentors led hands-on lab activities including extracting DNA from strawberries, team pipette racing, and a video demonstration of robotics technology used in the lab. Students got to explore the space, engage with their mentors, and meet the Head of JLABS US Northeast. This markable group of professionals across the city has invested so much in our students this year. We are so appreciative to be able to facilitate this amazing partnership into a second school year.

 - 04/27/2024 - sbsd@areteeducation.org
rtw week without walls workplace challenge

Empowering Students: F&T 10th Graders Tackle Rare Diseases in Workplace Challenge with RTW Charitable Foundation

With curiosity and dedication, a group of high school students from The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology participated in an innovative initiative aimed at raising awareness about rare diseases. In collaboration with RTW Charitable Foundation and Arete Education, 10th grade students were provided with the opportunity to delve into the complexities of rare diseases and explore their creativity with science communication! Co-lead by Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg from Arete, Sean Robinson from The Lab School, and Sarah Garwood and Joe Katakowski from RTW Charitable Foundation, this unique collaboration was supported by The Lab School’s recent Magnet Award for Career Connected Learning.

The first workplace challenge was intended to immerse students in a thought-provoking environment where they would be able to learn about different diseases that are often overlooked. The research they conducted involved learning about signs, symptoms, and struggles that people face when diagnosed with these rare diseases. Using the knowledge they gained through the investigation process, students were tasked with creating communication materials to disseminate their findings within their community and beyond! 

As part of Rare Disease Month, RTW has featured spotlight posts on different rare diseases on Instagram. The rare diseases highlighted were Sickle Cell Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, and Marfan Syndrome. The posts uploaded were curated by the students, showcasing the information they learned through the workplace challenge. Each post displays the students' attentiveness to learning about diseases that affect society and commitment to health advocacy. 

In essence, this workplace challenge is indicative of the meaningful knowledge students can acquire and spread. This serves as a powerful reminder that young people can have an amazing impact when it comes to various social issues when given the opportunity to engage with new topics in creative and intriguing ways. Furthermore, the graphics from the workplace challenge are also a form of motivation to inspire the general public in joining the cause of advocating for a more healthy, equitable, and inclusive world. The work that RTW does within the sciences are opportunities that allow us to continue supporting and empowering our students. With the help of RTW, we can establish new career paths, invest in science education for our students, and drive future generations of changemakers!

 - 03/20/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
career day highlight

Igniting Futures: A Successful Career Day @ The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology!

On Friday, February 2, The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology hosted 68 dedicated professionals who offered a diverse array of career paths and life stories. This Career Day event proved to be a catalyst for personal reflection, igniting a sense of curiosity and ambition among the students that we believe will profoundly shape their futures.


Professionals from various industries volunteered their time to share insights and make invaluable contributions. Each presenter brought a unique perspective to the table, enriching the students' understanding of the professional landscape. Whether discussing the intricacies of software development or the nuances of environmental conservation, every interaction served as a stepping stone towards greater knowledge of potential career paths and aspirations.


Beyond simply delivering presentations, our guest speakers actively engaged with students, facilitating meaningful dialogue and forging genuine connections. This interactive approach not only enhanced the learning experience but also promoted the values of Career Connected Learning. Through these partnerships, we hope to continue collaborating, and creating internships and mentorship opportunities that will further enrich our students' educational journey. This network will serve as a valuable resource for students as they navigate the complexities of the workplace, providing them with the support and guidance needed to realize their goals.


We also want to thank our volunteer speakers for lending their time and expertise to inspire and educate middle and high school students. Upon reflection of the successful career day, two such volunteers, Jack Darcey and Regina Alston, shared insights into their respective careers and their experiences at the event.


Jack Darcey, a Transportation Planner with the NYC Department of City Planning, provided a glimpse into his dynamic role, which involves a blend of transportation policy development, analytics, and neighborhood analysis. His day-to-day responsibilities range from conducting research and spatial analyses to observing infrastructure firsthand, all with the goal of supporting policy proposals and addressing pressing transportation issues.


One highlight of the event for Jack was the opportunity to engage with students and witness their genuine curiosity and insights. He found it particularly rewarding to hear students' questions and comments, especially when they related to pressing issues like affordable housing and transportation infrastructure. Jack emphasized the importance of exposing youth to topics like urban planning, which may not be commonly discussed in academic settings but are crucial for understanding our built environment.


Jack's decision to volunteer stemmed from his passion for youth engagement and his desire to expose students to the field of planning, which he finds fascinating yet often overlooked. Through partnerships with organizations like ours, Jack aims to broaden students' horizons and inspire them to consider career paths in the built environment.


Regina Alston, a Mental Health Clinician with Samaritan Daytop Village, shared her experiences as a case manager working with patients transitioning out of mental health facilities. Her day-to-day responsibilities involve providing support, making home visits, and ensuring a seamless transition for her clients.


For Regina, the highlight of Career Day was the inquisitiveness and openness displayed by the students. She was impressed by their eagerness to learn and connect, particularly when discussing topics like mental health and the environment of the South Bronx. Regina volunteered for the event out of a sense of duty to her community and a desire to empower the next generation. She believes that investing in youth is essential for creating positive change and shaping future leaders.


The insights shared by Jack Darcey and Regina Alston offer a glimpse into the transformative impact of Career Day on both volunteers and students alike. Through their dedication and passion, they exemplify the spirit of community engagement and mentorship that lies at the heart of events like these!

 - 02/28/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
job fair insta post

First Job Fair @ P.S. 59 The Dawn Best School: A Success!

Last week, P.S. 59 The Dawn Best School hosted a Job Fair, marking a significant moment in their commitment of empowering the Bed-Stuy community. In efforts of fostering career opportunities for Brooklyn families, P.S. 59 opened their doors to a variety of Career Vendors, offering on-the-spot interviews and potential employment prospects.


P.S. 59 welcomed excited families with the anticipation of meeting with representatives of different sectors and career backgrounds. Attendees of this job fair were eager to explore new job possibilities and learn about diverse professional aspirations. Among the highlights of the event were the success stories of two parents of Areté students who secured employment with State Security during the Job Fair!  


This first job fair was an amazing opportunity to bring the community together and foster an environment for networking. This event was the first of the series of monthly Job Fairs, each offering fresh opportunities for Brooklyn families to engage with potential employers. P.S. 59 plans on continuing their dedication to creating meaningful connections between families and employers in order to promote economic stability and social mobility. 


Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the success of the first Job Fair! 

 - 02/19/2024 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
bioquest program launch

BioQuest Program Launch

Arete Education has officially partnered with RTW Charitable Foundation to launch the BioQuest program


RTW Investments invests in biomedical research and products in order to add value to people’s lives. RTW Charitable Foundation extends the RTW Investments mission to include building a sense of community through establishing different health-based initiatives in underserved communities. All of this is done to advance science and research while also addressing urgent public health needs. 


RTW Charitable Foundation first began to work with Arete during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, RTW provided Arete with a grant because they wanted to fund grassroots work focused on removing  barriers that prevent children in temporary housing from receiving educational support during the pandemic. Arete was identified as a grassroots organization working in the South Bronx during this difficult time. In the end, $75,000 was allocated towards developing a high-touch and wrap-around support program, The Arete Hope Network, for 30 families in the South Bronx and Harlem, mostly F&T families. 


After the peak of the pandemic, RTW Charitable Foundation shifted back towards its main work in funding biomedical research and projects alike. This year, they launched the BioQuest program - an initiative in STEM education for middle and high school students - in collaboration with Arete Education, Hunts Point Alliance for Children, Weill Cornell, and BioBus. RTW Charitable Foundation reached out to Arete over the summer to invite students from the Bronx to enroll in a year-long program receiving STEM educational and mentoring experiences. This was an amazing opportunity for Arete and the students we serve as 1) we have never partnered with Weill Cornell or BioBus and 2) F&T students would be gaining an expansive exposure to the STEM field: engaging in enrichment activities to encourage and inspire an interest in science, biotech, and medicine while also building relationships with mentors and other students with expertise and interest in these fields.


The first event to this program was held on September 9th, 2023 where students participating in the BioQuest program were invited, along with their families, to attend a Kick-off Breakfast. This first meeting was a nice way to launch the year-long program as students and families got the opportunity to get to know about the program and get to know each other. The ice breaker and scavenger hunt activities allowed the students and families to go around and network with one another, and it was a nice way to make parents and families feel included as they got to know who their children will be surrounded by in the program. Volunteers also set up backpacks for the participants containing STEM and back-to-school materials. They were distributed towards the end of the breakfast and sent off for the Back-to-School Fair and BioBus event, in collaboration with Hunts Point Alliance for Children.


What’s next for these students? The BioQuest program has scheduled 6 events in total: 3 in the fall and 3 in the spring. The next event was a Career Day held on October 5 at RTW Investments in Chelsea. Future events include visiting JLABS with Johnson & Johnson, a BioBus event (mobile lab with interactive + scientific activities), exploring lab spaces at Weill Cornell, and a Science Museum Field Trip. 

Arete is proud to be deepening its relationship with RTW Charitable Foundation and its respective partnerships in order to broaden in terms of science in research and biomedicine. This amazing collaboration will give new pathways to young students for STEM-specific career opportunities and push the boundaries on what is possible for students beyond high school. This program also supports Arete’s mission with its partner school, The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology, of shifting to more career-connected learning as a way to address the experience gap our students face. This is a major step towards inaugurating an afterschool curriculum that prepares students to enter the workforce and provides opportunities for career exposure in a new area: medicine, biomedical research, and biotech investments. 

 - 11/03/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
hawa highlight (1)

Student Excellence Highlight - Hawa Fisiru

Hawa Fisiru is an outstanding senior at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology who has shown tremendous leadership and excellence with her involvement in school activities, working with Arete, and earning an apprenticeship with JPMorgan through the CareerWise Partner Program.

She first heard about the CareerWise apprenticeship while she was in 10th grade. After being accepted into the program, she commenced her work with JPMorgan in 11th grade. Her apprenticeship is expected to continue well into her first year of college.

As a senior in high school, her typical weekday models a split school-work schedule. In the morning, she attends her classes where she takes multiple Advanced Placement (AP) courses and manages to plan senior activities and meet with administration as the Class Council Vice-President. While at school, she prioritizes her academics and also takes on an additional role of advocating for students’ needs and wants.

Once the clock hits 12 pm, she heads off to work. Her role as an apprentice focuses on working in corporate investment banking, specifically with trading and foreign exchange. Recently, Hawa was shadowed in her work in Manhattan and interviewed by a production team from JPMorgan and the Atlantic to discuss her time with JPMorgan as an apprentice and learn about her story.

During this conversation, she was asked about her time as an apprentice, what she has learned thus far, the meaning of family, and what got her to where she is right now. Hawa’s poise and brilliance will be used to promote the Career Connected Learning Program.

Not only has Hawa been a proactive student in school and throughout her internship, but she also displayed excellent humility and maturity through her involvement with Arete. She worked as a tutor during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic when learning transitioned from in-person to online. Every other day, she tutored two students in different subjects in order to keep them on track with handing in assignments and retaining the information during this difficult time. When schools opened back up, she remained as a tutor and took on an additional role of being a teaching assistant. Through these responsibilities, she learned to work with students of different learning levels and teaching styles. She also refined her skills of compassion, communication, and patience. Although these roles taught her that she does not want to go into education, it taught her how to communicate with others and provided her with a sense of fulfillment by patiently assisting students in need!

Currently, a lot of her time is spent going through the college application process. She is applying to various schools in the city in order to continue working for JPMorgan while also taking her education seriously. Some schools she plans on applying to are NYU, Barnard, Fordham, and Columbia University, Columbia being her dream school. Hawa expressed that even though the application process is arduous due to her various roles and responsibilities, she is still giving it her all to submit all her application materials in order to get into a good school post graduation. “It’s stressful, but I’m getting it done!”

 - 11/03/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
arete alumni feature - Dinanyelin Martinez

Arete Alumni Feature - Dinanyelin Martinez

Meet Dinanyelin Martinez - graduate of The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology in 2020 and current student at Mount Holyoke College, double majoring in Sociology and Spanish with a certificate in Latin American study


Dinanyelin started working with Arete back in 2020 as a tutor and teacher’s assistant. Following LSFT graduation, Dinanyelin worked as a virtual intern supervisor for the entire academic year. Then, in the summer of 2021, she became an in-person supervisor for the summer tutoring program/summer youth workers, specifically as a supervisor for Summer Programming student interns. As a supervisor, she guided, taught, and evaluated students on different benchmarks like teaching strategies and SEL.


This summer, Dinanyelin will return to Arete as an Impact Fellow. She will work alongside our president, Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg, to plan the logistics for Arete's pilot Summer Career Camps. She is leading the pilot career program which includes programs teaching, finance, and journalism. As Dinanyelin anticipates her return to Arete this summer, she appreciates all she has learned from this work environment. One thing she noticed that Arete underscores is the mental health of students and how students’ mental health is important when it comes to academic performance. With this, she has learned how to approach students using different tactics based on their different circumstances, learning styles, and skill levels - something that is imperative to effectively address the needs of every student!


Dinanyelin is grateful to have picked up pedagogical skills while working with Arete. “The ability to teach and navigate communication with students and other adults is an asset that will come in handy in any career field and network opportunity!” Furthermore, Dinanyelin deeply values the substantial personal and professional development she has undergone in conjunction with her participation at Arete. Through its commitment to cultivating an environment conducive to the expansion of skills and offering unique avenues for active involvement, "Arete has bestowed upon me exceptional opportunities and responsibilities that are rarely attainable for the younger members of my community."  

 - 07/20/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz
arete alumni feature - Mariyam Sumareh

Arete Alumni Feature - Mariyam Sumareh

Meet Mariyam Sumareh - LSFT Class of 2020 and a rising senior at New York University majoring Sports Management and minoring Public Policy and Management

Her involvement with Arete as an employee began back in 2020 as a senior at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology forming part of the internship team. She was a tutor to three 8th grade students. Being a tutor provided her with connections she did not know she would have made. She connected with her tutees on a more personal level on top of providing them with educational support during the peak of the pandemic. She noticed that these tutor-tutee relationships helped her reflect on how she saw herself in the younger kids and made her realize that she could become a mentor to them. She made sure the students felt validated about their passions. She was not just a tutor but someone that students could lean on socially, emotionally, and academically. 

After being a tutor, Mariyam became a Youth Service Leadership Fellow where she conducted leadership initiatives for grades 6-12, helped with the adaptation of virtual learning and became a spokesperson to donors and guests. After this, she took on the role of Project Coordinator for Summer Bridge/Rising. During her 2021 summer role, she mainly did administrative work. Her other responsibilities involved outreach which included updating families about student progress. She also curated weekly vlogs for the summer rising program and communicated with program donors. She then got promoted to Program Coordinator for College and Career Access. Here, she oversaw high school student activities during afterschool programs and managed attendance for 400+ people. She supported weekly and monthly attendance reports for the senior leadership team. On top of that, she made phone calls and wrote letters to donors and also maintained a digital alumni database . Additionally, during her time in this role, she started up the Arete Alumni Council where they held monthly events, such as financial literacy, resume building, Feed our Needs events, and Alumni Day. 

Currently, Mariyam works as an Admin Operations Associate. She is in charge of various operational needs like keeping inventory on school supplies, ordering supplies and storing items in the office, and organizing electronic files (paystubs, alumni contracts, etc.). She ensures that students get stipends in a timely manner and administers the onboarding process of staff to ensure they get offer letters. Moreover, she serves as support for human resources responsibilities. This means that she tackles operational issues, creates guides on how to clock in and clock out, provides assistance on accessing paycom and timesheets, and produces basic employee manuals. Not only is she the go-to person for employee assistance, but she also helps the President of Arete, Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg, find prospective donors, have access to an alumni database, and keep alumni contact information organized! 

One thing that Mariyam is immensely grateful for is the ability to grow as an individual with the help of Arete. She recalled that when she first started working with Arete, she possessed a student mindset where her main goal was to just do what needed to be done; however, as she progressed throughout her various roles, she gained leadership skills as she took on more responsibilities. Through this, she has been able to tap into her leadership skills whether it be leading groups or leading behind the scenes. She is constantly pushed to do better and improve on her time management, organization, networking, leadership, and mindfulness skills. She is proud of being able to create a space where everyone is able to adapt and do what they have to do - something that Arete has enabled her to do easily!

A second thing that she values about Arete is Arete’s involvement in her life but also with everyone that is part of the organization. She became exposed to Social Emotional Learning that taught her that it is imperative to check in and make sure you and everyone around you is doing and feeling well. Having the opportunity to debrief and be mindful of these emotions allowed her and her colleagues to perform better within their roles. “Arete definitely cares about their staff!” exclaimed Mariyam as she explained that Arete asks their employees about their feelings and opinions on certain projects instead of just being told what to do. Being asked for personal input makes Mariyam feel welcomed and validated. As a former LSFT student and current Arete employee, she is able to provide a new and youthful perspective on certain events and makes her feel valued as a member of this organization. On top of that, Mariyam enjoys seeing that Arete organizes important events that are beneficial and dear to the communities they serve (Juneteenth, Feed Our Needs, hotline and family services, Eid celebrations, etc.). Also, the fact that Arete is expanding shows that they care about service and are constantly striving for more! One last thing Mariyam underscores is that although what she is studying is different to what she does within Arete, she is able to gain transferable skills that help support her career goals (youth engagement, consistency, empathy, being supported and being supportive). 

 - 07/11/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz

Arete Launches Summer Career Camps

Join Arete’s network of professionals this summer to engage students ages 14-22 in an innovative career exposure and networking program: Arete Summer Career Camps. From July 31st to August 11th, we will be engaging students from across the city to explore the careers of Journalism, Finance, and Teaching. For our recently arrived families who are asylum seekers, we will run a specialized bilingual program for career exposure with additional social services supports included. Students who complete one or more Career Camp programs will receive a certificate and stipend check or rapid! Paycard ($15/hour). All interested students should complete our registration form by June 30th. Arete Impact Fellow and alumnus Dinanyelin Martinez will follow up by phone to confirm program dates, locations, and other details and answer student and family questions during the week of July 3rd. Learn more.

---- Register Now ----

Arete campamento de carrera de verano

Únase a la red de profesionales de Arete este verano para involucrar a estudiantes de 14 a 22 años en un innovador programa de exposición profesional y creación de redes: Arete Summer Career Camps. Del 31 de julio al 11 de agosto, estaremos involucrando a estudiantes de toda la ciudad para explorar las carreras de Periodismo, Finanzas y Enseñanza. Para nuestras familias recién llegadas que son solicitantes de asilo, llevaremos a cabo un programa bilingüe especializado para la exposición profesional con apoyos de servicios sociales adicionales incluidos. Los estudiantes que completen uno o más programas Career Camp recibirán un certificado y un cheque de estipendio o rápido! Tarjeta de pago ($15/hora). Todos los estudiantes interesados ​​deben completar nuestro formulario de inscripción antes del 30 de junio. La Becaria de Impacto de Arete y exalumna Dinanyelin Martínez hará un seguimiento por teléfono para confirmar las fechas del programa, las ubicaciones y otros detalles y responderá las preguntas de los estudiantes y las familias durante la semana del 3 de julio.

---- Regístrate Ahora ----


 - 06/22/2023 - sbsd@areteeducation.org
leslie rivas arete alumni feature

Arete Alumni Feature - Leslie Rivas

Meet Leslie Rivas - a third year student at Lehman College studying English Creative Writing with a minor in Middle and High School Education!


Her journey with Arete started during high school at The Laboratory School of Finance and Technology where she and her friend, Chanel (also an Arete employee), started up an afterschool Book Club. This idea came to be after Leslie and Chanel happened to be discussing about books they previously had read in middle and high school. Both had the brilliant idea to organize a space where a group of students could gather together and read books they’ve heard about and give an honest review of what they thought as they read. 

“Starting up a book club made me realize that I actually enjoyed reading and it also made me realize that academically, I did well in my English classes,” exclaimed Leslie. In retrospect, this experience, that Arete fostered, allowed for Leslie to grow a passion for literature and become an English major in college and aspiring to become an English teacher. From this moment forward, she began to feel connected with Arete as they helped fund the program and gave them the opportunity to propose different ideas for their book club. On top of that, she was able to see first-hand what Arete’s mission was - acquire brand new books that may not have been accessible through LSFT and receive small journals for note taking. 


During her senior year of high school, Leslie also formed part of the tutoring internship program. She recalls that being part of the internship helped her grow as a person and professionally. Around the time she had joined the program, she was still confused on what college she wanted to attend and what she wanted to major in. However, being able to work with students one-on-one made her realize that maybe she could go into the field of education. As a tutor, she also developed leadership and effective communication skills while also learning how to multitask. 


Not only has Arete helped Leslie academically, socially, and professionally grow within the organization, but also through external partnerships. During the summer of 2022, Leslie was able to work with Funfab where she gained more experience in working with high school students. Leslie is grateful to Arete for presenting her with an excellent opportunity where she could network outside of Arete. Here, she would apply the experience she had gained through her previous work within Arete while also gaining new skills necessary for the education field. 


Now, she is currently a Book Club and Table Tennis instructor for Arete. Her scope of work as Book Club instructor consists of  getting students to have an interest in different books and increase their reading scores. As for table tennis, she facilitates an environment where students are able to learn a new sport and develop many different skills, such as hand-eye coordination.  


“Through Arete, I am able to solidify my leadership and organizational skills by working with students and being able to run a club.” Leslie reiterates that these roles helped her flourish professionally by also challenging her to work with different kinds of kids, making her figure out and use different methods that work with each kid individually. Not only is she gaining personal skills, but also gaining insight on different age groups and teaching styles that she can use to approach others!

 - 04/12/2023 - Anthony Ramirez Diaz

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