Areté Education extends the traditional school day, week and year with enhanced learning experiences that are fully integrated into school communities. We motivate students with aspirational and experiential learning in a nurturing and rigorous environment where they acquire and develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in school and beyond.

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Areté Education, Inc. invests directly in the neighorhood communities we serve. Founded in 2012 to serve Mott Haven youth and families through partnership with neighborhood schools, Arete has since grown to serve youth and families across the city. Our staff are alumni of our programs, products of the amazing network of community partnerships Areté has with schools in Community School District 7, NYC DOE Office of Community Schools, local CBOs, and New York City foundations.


Areté Education is thriving, but the best is yet to come! We have a vision for this program -- to offer even stronger, smarter, and more enriching experiences that propel our students to success. We're ready for the future of Ignite Learning -- help us get there.