Baylander 2024 Image Gallery

On May 19, 2024 we celebrated the Arete community alongside Board Directors, Arete leadership team members, student interns, leadership staff, program alumni, and community supporters on the Baylander Steel Beach in Harlem.

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Welcome to the Arete Family

Arete Board President McEvans with family guests on board the Baylander.

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Powerful Networking

Board Director Erica Sealey meets communications interns Jaymie and Hawa (Class of 2024).

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Lifelong Mentorship

Arete Executive Director Gabriel Hernandez with colleague and alum Noé Carrillo (Class of 2020).

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Arete All Stars

High School Dean and Arete Program Director Carlos Perez at The Lab School in the South Bronx celebrates at the Baylander with Board Director Jared Steller and COO Sam Alexander.

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Arete Board Leaders

Arete Board Directors Kholo Mothibi, Erica Sealey, and McEvans Francois are the heart of Arete fundraising efforts.

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Stunning Success

High School graduates Hawa and Jaymie (Class of 2024) prepare to join elite programs at Columbia and Stonybrook after four years of work-based learning experiences at The Lab School.


Communications Intern Team

Arete Communications Interns pose for photo with supervisor and Arete education consultant Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg.

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Arete Commitment

Arete Chief Operating Officer Sam Alexander with guest at the Baylander.

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Arete Communications Stars

Arete Communications Associate Anthony Ramirez-Diaz (Class of 2020) celebrates his graduation from Cornell University aboard the Baylander.


Team Arete

Arete Board Directors and Senior Leadership Staff celebrate onboard the Baylander.

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Corporate Partnerships

Parker Muff, Kholo Mothibi, and Erica Sealey work seamlessly behind the scenes to build sustaining corporate partnerships to support Arete programs.

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Long-Term Supporters

Long-time Arete Board Director Ray Sanchez welcomes guests aboard the Baylander to meet the Arete family.


Arete Supporters

Arete Treasurer Sandra Nunez-Gomez celebrates Arete's successes with friends aboard the Baylander.


High School Mentoring

Arete Board Director Kholo Mothibi and Arete intern Lisbeth (Class of 2025) networking aboard the Baylander.

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Arete High School All Stars

Arete Intern Ariana (Class of 2025) is a junior at The Lab School in the Bronx and has worked in multiple roles throughout high school with Arete Education, first has a peer tutor and most recently as a communications intern.

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Deep Engagement

Arete supporters engage in deep conversation about upcoming opportunities with Arete.

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Engaged Leaders

Working with Arete Education throughout the pandemic and after, leaders in the organization continue to engage with this essential non-profit.

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Join Team Arete

Join us next year aboard the Baylander (May 2025).