Arete's Baylander Event
What is the Baylander Event? Our Annual Baylander Event allows Arete Education to promote our summer programs offerings, higlight the successes of our students and schools, and engage stakeholders in financially supporting our upcoming summer programs that continue to offer students the ever-exanding free opportunities over the summer months.
Investment in Summer Programs
Our students are faced with a 6,000 hour learning gap compared to children of well resourced families. Arete's summer programs are 100% free to students (95% low-income, 99% students of color) and provide hands-on experiences, reversing summer learning loss while building students' social and cultural capital. Arete summer programs give students a competitive edge as they embark on their middle school, high school, and college careers.
May Happy Hour Event
A gorgeous venue located on the Baylander Steel Beach located at 125th on the Hudson River. Delicious food, inspring people, and outrageous beverages. Join us each year for this special fundraising event.
2024 Photo Gallery
Check out the photos from our 2024 event on the Baylander. See the images here.
Areté Education is a thriving non-profit organization serving school communities in the South Bronx, Washington Heights, and Bed-Stuy. Join our efforts by volunteering, participating in an upcoming event, serving on the Board, or making a life-changing donation to sustain our programming.